There are four different areas of Knott county where we have mapped trails but only one of them has signage along the route to keep you on the right trails and to let you know the difficulty of each one (see example of one of the signs below). This trail system is called the Sutton Trail which is located in the northwest portion of the county. There are maps available which you can purchase for $5.00. The Sutton Trail System is open year-round with a trailhead at Sutton Memorial Park where for just $5.00 you can park and ride or camp overnight. The trails start right there on-site.
Come try this trail and if you are wanting to do more, they can set you up with someone familiar with the other trails to go with you. They have some great guides who LOVE to ride. The rules on ATV's and additional information are available their our website at
In the early morning, dusk and sometimes throughout the day, you will see elk and other wildlife. They are amazing animals. Be sure to bring your camera. Below are a few photos from the ride.